Wedding Titles
Wedding Titles
After Effects Version CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5
Files Included After Effects Project Files
Universal Expressions Yes
Resolution Resizable
File Size 44.9MB
About this project:
- 16 Wedding Titles
- AE CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC14, CC12
- Videotutorial include
- No plugin required
- 30, 29.97, 25 fps
- Easily customizable
- Change colors(Texts Color, Elements Color) and Vintage one click
- You can edit the lenth animation, a ending animation, cut a ending animation & more
- Links of Fonts include and you can use any other fonts
لینک جستجو صدای پروژه
در صورت موجود بودن
تمیز, گرانج, تعطیلات, برچسب, آرم, عشق, خاطرات, یکپارچهسازی با سیستمعامل, خورشید,'