Travel Deals And Discounts
Travel Deals And Discounts 14752116 - After Effects Projects
CS6 | Universal Expressions : Yes | Length : 1:23 | 1920x1080
Media Placeholders : 8 | Text Placeholders : 52 | 1.9 Mb
Project features:
No plugins required
Well organized and easy to use
52 textholders
8 Placeholder
FULL HD resolution 1920×1080
Duration – 01:23
CS6 and higher
Text tutorial included
Music,SFX and Images used in preview are not included
Great soundtrack you can find here
SFX Information Included In Help File
Fonts Information Included In Help File
Image was downloaded royalty free from : here
EFFECTS VIDEOHIVE افتر افکت دانلود افترافکت جی اف ایکس دانلود جی اف ایکس دانلود پروژه آماده افتر افکت دانلود پروژه آماده افتر افکت دانلود فایل افترافکت سایت افترافکت ویدیو هایو'