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WhatsApp Text Message Pro

WhatsApp Text Message Pro After Effects Version CC Files Included After Effects Project Files Resolution 2160x3840 File Size 188mb


Time Saver
Our template features automated chat animations—simply input your timings, and the message bubbles animate automatically. No manual work is required. Plus, it’s CSV-driven, allowing you to input data directly into a CSV file, which updates instantly in After Effects.

Group Chat Feature
Create group chats effortlessly with this template.

Auto Resizing Message Bubbles
Message bubbles resize automatically to fit the provided text.

Automated In & Out Messages SFX
Import Incoming and Outgoing SFX once, and hear them automatically with every message animation.

Android and iOS Bubble Tails
Switch between Android and iOS bubble tails with just one click.

Forwarded and Edited Messages
Turn any message into a Forwarded or Edited message with a few clicks.

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اندروید, متحرک, متحرک, انیمیشن, خودکار, خودکار, حباب, چت,'

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