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لینک سازنده

Corporate Hive

Corporate Hive 2679093 Videohive - Free Download After Effects Templates After Effects CS4, CS5, CS5.5 | 1920x1080 | No Pluggins | 108 Mb


An After effects Cs4 template to professionally present your business

Perfect to present your company and its solutions
image slide show
company contact information.
Easy to edit text and images
No plugins needed .
Elegant 3d look with
pre-rendered flares and elements.
Separate color controls for all texts and for all hexagon elements ( edits all automatically).
Free font used “bebas” get it here
music by SilverHoof (not included)get it here

EFFECTS VIDEOHIVE افتر افکت دانلود افترافکت جی اف ایکس دانلود جی اف ایکس دانلود پروژه آماده افتر افکت دانلود پروژه آماده افتر افکت دانلود فایل افترافکت سایت افترافکت ویدیو هایو'

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